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Harefield Learning - Year 5 & Year 6

Spring Learning

In science Harefield Class are learning about different scientists, this week it was Stephen Hawking and his theories on black holes. Find out more at:

Autumn Learning

This term, the police are carrying out a citizenship programme of in Harefield.

An example of our Remembrance writing.

Harefield have designed, and are beginning to make, Ancient Egyptian masks out of clay.


We celebrated the end of our Ancient Egyptian topic with an Egyptian day full of activities. We mummified tomatoes, tried to extract orange segments from a small hole in an orange (like the embalmers would have done with the brain), made decorative cuffs and bracelets and had an Egyptian feast. We saw some fantastic Egyptian costumes too. The children have had lots of fun and it has been a great way of rounding off our Ancient Egypt history topic.