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Understanding the world around us is one of the key components of the curriculum we offer at Essendon Primary School and is integral to our core values of 'Love the World Around you' and 'Love others'. As we develop our children as 'Global Citizens', we provide opportunities and experiences to not only understand the immediate community (and church) they are a part of but also the wider world. This is seen through not only curriculum lessons but also through our daily use of Newsround and Collective Worship themes. Through our School council, we build on this by selecting a local, national and international charity to support. 


Although we know that there are many ways in which children can be taught to understand the world, throughout our curriculum we enable children to do so through the study of History, Geography, Science and Computing.


Essendon has a rich history as part of the community around Hatfield house. We look to use this local History, as well as global history,  to encourage our children to ask questions and display a drive to find out the answers. We use the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum to design a package of history that is progressive and planned in a chronological way, allowing our children to transfer their skills, knowledge and understanding between topics and periods of time.

History skills and knowledge ladders

Whole school History overview map


Much like History, knowing about the geography of the world is another key element of the curriculum we deliver within school. The learning of geography that takes place is designed to be varied and thematic, allowing children to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in a cross-curricular way. The geography we offer in school includes learning about local geography, physical and human geography around the world and a continent study, as well as completing fieldwork throughout. We strive for the geography we teach to be engaging and relevant to the children we teach, encouraging them to be be inquisitive and ask their own questions that may shape their future learning.

Geography skills and knowledge ladders

Geography overview map


The teaching and learning of science is a fundamental aspect of our pupils being able to understand the world around them. We place a strong emphasis on high quality scientific investigation and enquiry within our classrooms and believe that the science are children are exposed to should be contextualised and based on the knowledge, skills and understanding that children need to be successful in life. We use the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum to deliver core learning in science on a weekly basis. 

Science skills and knowledge ladders

Science overview map


Computing is learning about how computers and computer systems work, how to design and build programs, how to develop ideas and create a range of content using technology. It covers topics such as understanding how the internet works, finding out about the uses and impact of technology beyond school and learning about the history of computing and its pioneers.

To ensure we meet the objectives of the computing curriculum, we are following the Kapow Schemes of work. This offers a thematic based approach which teaches children about computing skills in a real life context.

Computing skills and knowledge ladders

Computing overview map


All children in KS2 have a regular French lesson. Our curriculum is designed to progressively develop children’s skills in French, through regular taught lessons using the KAPOW scheme. Children learn, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary organised around topics, and we strive to revisit and refresh vocabulary in quick recap activities at the start of lessons. Lessons are organised to allow children to appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language. 

French skills and knowledge ladders

French overview map

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