Ofsted has judged Essendon to be a 'Good' School
Following the inspection that took place on 20th July 2022. We are delighted to share with you that Ofsted has judged that Essendon C of E Primary School continues to be a ‘Good’ school.
During the Inspection, Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) spent time talking with the children in lessons and at play. Inspectors visited classrooms and observed learning, they looked in depth at how our curriculum is sequenced and they looked at the children’s exercise books to see what had been taught, what the children understood and what they remembered about their learning across all subjects.
At Essendon, our intention is that all children experience the joy of learning and the pleasure of building their knowledge and developing their skills in our kind and respectful school community. The Ofsted Report recognises the importance of The Essendon Way and our Vision and Values, which are at the heart of everything we do. The Report notes that ‘pupils behave with tolerance and respect, showing the love for others that ties in with the Christian ethos of the school.’
Our Quality of Education was judged as ‘Good’ with Inspectors commenting that ‘leaders have carefully mapped out an ambitious curriculum’.
Thank you to staff, governors and the whole school community for everyone's on-going commitment to our school and for supporting all our children on their learning journey at Essendon.
Playing the glockenspiel
You can download the full report by clicking the link below: