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Pupil Outcomes

At Essendon School, we measure the outcomes of our pupil's education in many ways, including their social, spiritual and moral development, as well as their academic performance.

The data published below is the most recent data available for our 2018-2019 Year 6 cohort. The 2019-2020 cohort did not sit national tests due to the coronavirus pandemic.

2019 KS2 Results

Pupils achieving the expected national standards

Reading (School) Reading (National) Writing (School) Writing (National) Maths (School) Maths (National) Overall (School) Overall (National)
60%  73%  70%  78%  80%  79%  60%  65% 

Progress of Key Stage 2 Pupils in reading, writing and maths

Reading progress Writing progress Maths progress
National  National = 0  National = 0  National = 0 
School  -0.84  -0.09  2.64 

Average scaled score of KS2 pupils in reading and maths

Reading (School) Reading (National) Maths (School) Maths (National)
Score  100.3  104  104.5  105 

Percentage of Key Stage 2 Pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing  and maths

Reading (School) Reading (National) Writing (School) Writing (National) Maths (School) Maths (National)
Score  10%  27%  10%  20%  30%  27% 

2019 KS1 Results

School National
Reading  Working at expected standard (EXS)  86.7  75 
  Working at greater depth (GDS)  33.3  26 
Writing  Working at expected standard (EXS)  80  70 
  Working at greater depth (GDS)  13.3  16 
Maths  Working at expected standard (EXS)  86.7  76 
  Working at greater depth (GDS)  20  22 

The government school and college performance table service can be found here:

The Essendon School page can be found here: