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School Uniform enables pupils to take pride in and represent the school wherever they go. It promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion. It is therefore very important the uniform code is followed. Staff will remind parents and children if the school uniform expectations fall below the expected standard.

Our Uniform

Plain dark grey or black trousers
Plain dark grey or black shorts (standard school shorts from any supermarket not cycling shorts)
Plain dark grey or black skirt or pinafore dress
Plain white polo shirt (is available with an Essendon logo from our supplier - see below)
Plain red sweat shirt or cardigan (is available with an Essendon logo from our supplier - see below)
Red and white check dress (for the summer term)
Plain grey, black or white socks or tights
Flat black shoes or plain black trainers   

Physical Education (PE) Kit

Plain black shorts 
Essendon sports T-shirt - contact the Office or our supplier for details
Plain black tracksuit (no logos)
Trainers (any colour)

Jewellery, Nails and Make-Up

Jewellery (except for watches and stud earrings) should not be worn for school.
Smart watched are not needed in school.
For safety reasons, earrings must be removed (or, if not possible, taped over) for all PE sessions.
Nail varnish and make-up are not needed in school.​


Long hair tied back for safety and hygiene
No fashion statements are needed for hair at Essendon

Uniform Supplier

Smarty Schoolwear Ltd
66 Town Centre, Hatfield
AL10 0JJ
Tel: 01707 263 909

Spare uniform is available in school for any pupil who needs it.​


To avoid the loss of your property, it is essential that all items of equipment and uniform are labelled with the pupil's name, including surname.

We are enroled with a company called My Name Tags, who produce name tags for children's possessions and clothing. If you buy your labels through My Name Tags, the school earns a commission. 

The link to the website is below:

Please use the School ID Number 26913. You will not find the school by searching for the name.