The FOES - Friends of Essendon School is one of the ways for parents to become involved in the life of the school, and makes an invaluable contribution to the school through its fundraising activity.
The FOES is Essendon C of E (VC) Primary School's parent teacher association. The FOES is primarily a fundraising body, but equally important is it's contribution to the overall life of the school.
All parents of children registered at the school with an interest in helping our association can be a member of the FOES. There is a core committee of trustees and a wider team of members, we arrange to all meet regularly to plan and organise events and to decide how to spend the money raised.
Events are varied and include Quiz Nights, Winter Fayres, Summer Fayres, Easter Egg Hunts and ice lolly sales. All are organised by a very friendly and welcoming group of parents who are always looking for others to join in and lend a hand at functions.
So please contact the Office if you would like to lend a helping hand or email: